what the press says

Sunday Times "Los Roques: Seeing stars on the sleepy lagoon" - Andrew Thomas
Leonardo DiCaprio, Shakira and Harrison Ford are fans; Gérard Depardieu is a regular. Melanie Griffith,...
Le Figaro Le coup de coeur - Bénédicte Menu
La Cigala (www.lacigala.com) à Los Roques. Une charmante petite pousada de 9 chambres où Enrique...
Elizabeth Kline's Guide To Camps, Posadas, & Cabins 2002
"A very attractive choice with kitchen-dining just inside the entry which opens to a very...
Panorama Travel - Marisa Dei Michei
Gestita da un’italiana sposata a un venezuelano, ha un meraviglioso giardino zen su cui si affacciano le otto...
Los Roques is one of the world top choices for bonefishing. Its great advantage respect to the other bonefishing destination is its stable weather out of huricane pass Beside its famous pancake flats , los roques also offers , Sandy beaches , coral Banks and mangrove lagoons.
In adition to the world –class bonefishining other choices includes tarpon, permit, jacks , tuna,snook and barracuda Experienced anglers have landed and released fifteen and more bonefish in a single day. Most bonefish, or "pez ratón" like the locals call them, weigh three to five pounds, but anglers often hook some considerably larger; several ten and fifteen pounders have been landed.
La Cigala is specialized in Flyfishing, is one of the 3 posada with fishing conecesioand is equiped with own boats captain and guides

We look forward to assisting you with your fishing plans.

Kitesurf in Los Roques

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We look forward to assisting you with your fishing plans or another activities.